Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Magee, MS

Magee Sports Complex

Central MS - 6th Annual Snowball Classic (One Day-Low Entry Fee) - Presented by The Tournament Team

Feb 21, 2021

Central MS - 5th Annual Snowball Classic

Presented by 

Coaches, the plan is still to evaluate the fields today at 3:00. It's just a waiting game at this point. It's obviously wet, but with today's forecast we at least have a shot. We will keep you updated on that. 

Social Distancing guidelines are in place - Mask are encouraged, not required

Coaches, it is your responsibility to know the status of each player on your team in regards to temperature and symptoms. 

  • Event Rosters will be enforced. It's up to you to double check them & if you are having any issues you need to let us know. 
  • Each team (excluding coach pitch) is required to provide 2 game conditioned High School quality balls for pool play. We will provide for Bracket play. We do have balls on site...$5/ball or $50/dozen
  • One day event gate fee is $10 for ages 7 & up. 
  • One Day pitching rules 9 -12 6 innings & 13U 7 Innings. 
  • 13U can only use -5 or -3 bats. 
  • Coach pitch time limit is 50 minutes and 1:00 for championship game. 
  • 9-12 time limit is 1:20 minutes. 
  • 11UN at the Quarry time limit is 1:20 (updated after start times were pushed back)
  • 13U time limit is 1:30
  • DO NOT let an umpire tell you they are stopping a game within 5 minutes of the time limit. Stop the plate meeting or when you are told this immediately and call for a director. 
  • Pay attention to your post game score cards before signing. 
  • Catchers must wear a one piece helmet. 
  • Protest fees are $300 cash up front no exceptions. You get this back for a successful protest. Protest must be done between the 1st pitch & last pitch and it is encouraged to do as early as possible if you think you will be protesting. 
  • Run rules are 12 after 3 - 10 after 4 - 8 after 5
  • Extra innings - Last batter from the previous inning on 2nd base with 0 outs. 
  • 2nd Extra inning - Last 3 batters from previous inning to load the bases with 1 out. 
  • 3rd to 1st pick off is legal. 
  • Head first slides are legal to any base unless a face mask is being worn. 
  • Grand Slam plays be National Federation High School rules...with the exception of rules listed here or corporate Grand Slam. State Directors have the discretion to modify corporate rules. 
  • Coach Pitch teams get 4 free gate entries for coaches & ages 9-13 get 3. There will be a team list at each gate...once that team's spots are full that will be all. 

Any pattern of badgering of an umpire, other fans, coaches, players, directors, gate workers, etc...will result in being escorted from the park by Magee or Brandon Police Department. Coaches, if you put your hands on an umpire, you will be prosecuted & vice versa for umpires to coaches. Tournament Directors have the discretion to have anyone removed from the park. Gate fees are nonrefundable. 

Field Director for the Quarry will be Niles Moseley - Brian Fugler will be on site tournament director. 

Field Director for Magee will be Marty McMullen. Monty McMullen will be on site tournament director. 

GAME DAY TEXT LINE  Please avoid calls if possible - Quarry 601-732-5040  Magee 601-917-3116

Quarry - Pay your entry fee behind the middle concession stand in the room under the breezeway. Make checks out to "The Tournament Team"

Magee - Pay your entry fee at fields 1-4 & 5-8 upstairs in the press box. Make checks out to "The Tournament Team"

Entry fees must be paid before your 2nd pool game can start. So if you collect from parents, please do so early. 

Don't take the chance on being rained out. Get that early warm up tournament in by playing at the beautiful turf fields in Magee! 

****Entry Fee - Only $50 to the 1st two teams in each division****


Gate Fee - $10 ages 7 & Up 

1st Place - Custom Snowball Classic Ring

2nd Place - Custom Snowball Classic Ring

email for questions or information

Important Reminders!

$10 Gate Fee ages 13 & up (Compared to $14 for 2 day event)

$50 Entry Fee to the 1st 2 teams in each division

$100 Entry Fee for each team after the 1st two teams in each division

- Must be paid before 2nd pool game. Make Checks payable to The Tournament Team

1:00 Game time for 8U & 1:20 for 10-12- 1:30 for ages 13

Teams provide 2 game conditioned baseballs for pool play

A pattern of inappropriate & aggressive tones toward tournament staff, umpires, coaches, or other fans will result in being escorted from the park by the Magee Police Department.

Placing your hands on an umpire could result iprosecution

Event History 

2017 - 7 teams

11UN Champions - Deep South Banditos Royal

2018 - 56 teams

7U Champs - MS 96'ers

9UA Champs - MS Orioles

9UN Champs - MS Rangers

10U Open Champs - PYB Elite

11UA Champs - 59 Baseball

11UN Champs - NWR Assault

12U Open Champs - MS Exposure

13U A Champs - Dirt Dawgs


    2019 - 61 teams

    8U Champs - Cardinals American

    9UA Champs - MS Yankees Stringer

    9UN Champs - Diamond Elite Black

    10UR Champs - Pine Belt Elite

    10U Open Champs - MS Yankees McWilliams

    11UR Champs - MS Yankees Driver

    11UN Champs - 11U Southern Prospects

    12UR Champs - Mizuno Golden Spikes - Gill

    13U Champs - Icon Elite