Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Clinton, MS

Traceway Park

Central MS - Rookie Rumble 3 - Presented by The Tournament Team

May 1, 2021


Sunday Games in Brandon and Magee have been canceled. 9U -12U will receive an $75 credit toward their next event & 8U will receive $30 credit. Seeds 1 and 2 are event champions and we will make arrangements with each coach to pick up rings.

For Rookie Rumble in Clinton 

We will go with scenario 2 posted yesterday. 

All games are on for Saturday in Clinton. 

13U will play their two pool games and the top two seeds will play championship game at the end of the night. 

Sunday brackets for 8U, 9U, 10U, and 12U will move to the Quarry in Brandon. Bracket times will be posted tonight. 

11U bracket will move to Magee Sunday. (2:30 April 30)

It’s not always perfect for all involved but to be proactive we feel this is the best scenario for the weekend. Thank you for your patience & understanding. Good luck! 

Clinton seems promising  Final update at 3:00  (1:09 pm 4-30)

Edit: 13U Coaches...we failed to mention in the last email that if we have to move games from Clinton then we will lose the 13U division. The Quarry has no 13U fields so we would be forced to lose that division. No other 13U fields are available this weekend. 

Once again...we are faced with possible weather issues. We are looking at 3 scenarios. 

Scenario 1 - Nothing changes and we stay at Clinton all weekend. 

Scenario 2 - We are able to get Saturday in at Clinton but have to move Sunday. 

                     All divisions would move the Quarry in Brandon except 11UR. 11UR would move to Magee

Scenario 3 - We are not able to play Saturday or Sunday in Clinton. 

                     All divisions would move to the Quarry in Brandon except 11UR. 11UR would move to Magee

                     If we make the move Saturday...all pool play start times will be the same as they are now except for 12UR. There would be some slight changes. 

We will be talking with Clinton tomorrow around 12:00 noon to see how the fields are for Saturday. We won't leave you in limbo. 

If the forecast for Sunday looks the same as of's a good chance Sunday get's move. 

Some may ask, why not go ahead and move both days now? We have Clinton booked and the right thing and respectful thing to do is play there if at all possible. 

Please share this with your teams. Thank you.