Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Snellville, GA

Baycreek Park


Nov 22, 2020


Schedules are now posted

This event is a benefit event hosted by Grand Slam Atlanta in conjunction with the 13U Grayson Rams - Batts team. It is for a great cause and we hope we can get a decent turnout! 

There is no gate fee associated with this tournament as we would much rather have donations at the entrance to go directly to the family.

More info is below from the team:

Isaac is a 6 year old ball of fun! Those who know him, know he’s silly and playful and so very sweet!? After trying to fight a fever that wouldn’t go away, his family was given the news that he has leukemia. The news was hard to take in, but his parents, Mario and Berta, and his older brothers are staying positive and are placing this in God’s hands. Prayers are the greatest gift for Isaac, right now, but any donation that could be made for Isaac’s medical expenses, is so appreciated. Please pray for Isaac and his sweet family any chance you get! Let’s all fight this battle with this little super hero by playing some baseball and letting him know we are in his corner!!

GoFundMe Page:

Text Tim Gaines at 770-231-0176 or Colton Harrelson at 404-694-5212 for more info.