Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Alabaster, Centreville, Montevallo, Tuscaloosa, Lincoln, Sylacauga, AL

Veterans Park Alabaster

Bowers/Centrevillecancelled14UinMvallocsncelled/8/10start12alabaster12 PM start Sylacauga 11AM

Jun 5-6, 2021

Grand Slam looks forward to the 2021 State Tournament. Each team is required to play in two regular season tournaments in order to qualify for the State Tournament.

There will be Friday night festivities at Veteran's Park in Alabaster which include individual competitions, live music and food. Best of all this is NO CHARGE for ALL!  We will also provide drawings for door prizes awarded by Mizuno and Rawlings.

This is a two day tournament for ALL AGES.

Ages 13U, 14U and 15U teams need to provide two new baseballs at the beginning of each game. Teams that need to purchase baseballs, the Rawlings R100-P are available for $55 a dozen. Please contact us in advance if you wish to purchase baseballs.

Trophies and rings awarded to first and second place teams for ages 6U to 12U. Trophies awarded to 13U to 15U.

Players and teams can preorder 2021 State Tournament T-Shirts using the following link.