Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Montevallo, AL

Stephens Park


Oct 31, 2021

Tournament has been canceled due to poor field conditions

We are planning on moving this tournament until tomorrow. Coaches please respond to our email and let us know if you want to play.

Grand Slam Spooktacular October 31th. We will be giving out a first place prize to the best decorated tent. We will also give a prize out to the team with the best costumes. First place and second place of each division will be awarded rings and a trophy for the event! If you have any other questions, please contact Reed Bright/Tim Kennedy

Time limits will be 60 minutes finish the inning for our 8U age group. 9U through 12U will be 60 minute finish the inning and 70 minute bracket play. 14U time limit will be 80 minutes or 5 innings all day. 2 pool play into single elimination format.