Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Magee, MS

Magee Sports Complex

South MS - Spring Dingers - (Saturday Only) Presented by The Tournament Team

Mar 12-13, 2022


This includes spectators. 

Teams could face a forfeit if found with seeds. 

No Steel Spikes in Magee

  • Event Rosters will be enforced. It's up to you to double check them & if you are having any issues you need to let us know. Players need to move from "Pending" to "approved". If it says frozen, text 601-917-3116
  • We will provide baseballs for each game. However, teams need to be prepared to throw in game balls if umpire runs out until we get more. Also, teams are responsible for retrieving foul balls & returning them to the field. 
  • Saturday & Sunday daily gate fee is $10 
  • Saturday & Sunday there will be a Senior Citizen discount & active military discount for $5. 
  • There is a two day pass available Saturday for $15
  • Ages 12 & under are free
  • 9U-12UAA  time limit is 1:20 minutes
  • DO NOT let an umpire tell you they are stopping a game within 5 minutes of the time limit. Stop the plate meeting or when you are told this immediately and call for a director. We can't help you after a game ends. 
  • Pay attention to your post game score cards before signing. 
  • Catchers must wear a one piece helmet. 
  • Protest fees are $300 cash up front no exceptions. You get this back for a successful protest. Protest must be done between the 1st pitch and no later than 1st time through the lineup. 
  • Run rules are 12 after 3 - 10 after 4 - 8 after 5
  • Extra innings - Last batter from the previous inning on 2nd base with 0 outs. 
  • 2nd Extra inning - Last 3 batters from previous inning to load the bases with 1 out. 
  • 3rd to 1st pick off is legal. 
  • Head first slides are legal to any base unless a face mask, cflap, or chin strap is being worn. 
  • Grand Slam plays be National Federation High School rules...with the exception of rules listed here or corporate Grand Slam. State Directors have the discretion to modify corporate rules. 
  • Always keep birth certificates on hand. Digital copies are allowed. 
  • Teams who have players that meet the grade exception (hold back) must have a progress report, report card or letter from the school confirming current grade. 
  • Coach Pitch teams get 4 free gate entries for coaches & ages 9-13 get 3. There will be a team list at each gate...once that team's spots are full that will be all. 
  • Coaches, if we have to eject one of your spectators from the park, head coach will automatically be ejected. 

Any pattern of badgering of an umpire, other fans, coaches, players, directors, gate workers, etc...will result in being escorted from the park by Magee PD.  Coaches, if you put your hands on an umpire, you will be prosecuted & vice versa for umpires to coaches. Tournament Directors have the discretion to have anyone removed from the park. Gate fees are nonrefundable. 

GAME DAY TEXT LINE -  601-732-5040 

Entry Fee is $250 for 9-12

You can pay on location. Find a director to pay.

You can also

CashApp $GrandSlamMS

Venmo @grandslamms 


 Pay your entry fee before your 2nd pool game to avoid game delays.  Make checks out to "The Tournament Team"

Entry fees must be paid before your 2nd pool game can start. So if you collect from parents, please do so early.