Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Grantville, GA

Grantville Baseball Park


Apr 20-21, 2024


Games delayed till this afternoon, check schedules for new times.

Time limit reduced to 1 hour per game

Welcome to our next event for the 2024 Grand Slam Atlanta season in Sharpsburg, Ga and surrounding areas!!

More parks and age groups will be added to this event as youth associations open up their schedules for the spring/summer.

If there are enough teams to split divisions in AA and AAA we will do so.

2-day tournament format with a 3 game guarantee.

Please bring flats or rubber cleats for pitching on the artificial mounds as metal spikes will not be allowed on them.

If you have any questions please contact Tim Gaines at 770-231-0176 or Colton Harrelson at 404-694-5212.