Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Magee, MS

Magee Sports Complex

Fall State Championship

Nov 2, 2024

Thank for choosing to play Grand Slam, please pay close attention to the information below

Game Day Text Line - 601-732-5040 Text Only

Tournament Director Contact



Email -

If this is your first event with Grand Slam, please pick up your $30 sanction fee reimbursement when checking in. 

All teams needs to check in when they arrive and pick up their "2 free games" envelope to pay the umpire. 

Grand Slam has a no tolerance conduct policy. It's real simple, we expect people to not cross the line.

If you cuss at a player, coach, fan, umpire, staff're gone for the event.

If you make a threat toward a player, coach, fan, umpire, staff etc, you will be banned from attending Grand Slam events.

If we have to remove a fan from the complex due to conduct, the head coach will also be ejected from that game. No exceptions. 

  • Gate fee is $10/per person ages 13 & up
  • Entry fees need to be paid before no later than the start of your 2nd pool play game. 
  • All formats are 2 pool games into double elimination
  • Seeding is done by  Head to head when applicable, Runs allowed, Run differential, Runs scored, Coin Flip
  • In Grand Slam, a team can only get a max credit of 10 runs scored in a game & a max of a 7 run differential. For example, if you win a game 12-2...your runs scored will show as 10 & your RD will show as 7
  • Run rule is 12 after 3, 10 after 4, 8 after 5


50 minute time limit, finish the inning


Ball must cross the plate before runners can leave the base

7 runs per inning and switch

6 pitch max - If you foul the 6th pitch off, you can continue hitting. 

Due to only have a 4 team and 5 team division, these divisions will have an "if" game


60 minute time limit, finish the inning


  • There will not be an IF games in the bracket. The championship game is winner take all! 


1:10 time limit


  • There will not be an IF games in the bracket. The championship game is winner take all! 

Again, thank you for choosing to play Grand Slam & good luck! 

Grand Slam is the largest sanctioned baseball organization in the state...all the reasons for that will be applied to how we run our softball events also! Give us a try

  • Is this your first event this fall with us? If so, we will be giving you your $25 sanction fee back! 
  • Let us pay for your first 2 games!!  After that, it's pay at the plate! 
  • 4 Game Guarantee
  • Rings for 1st & 2nd place
  • MVP ring for the most valuable player! 
  • 1st place team banner
  • Coaches choose your award..(dzn. softballs, bucket, hat, etc..)
  • 1st place free entry into the Grand Slam World Series
  • 2nd place half entry into the Grand Slam World Series