Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Monroe, LA

ULM University Park

Twin City Slugfest

Apr 4-6

Twin city slugfest

Local teams must play games on friday night due to the 5K, "RACE FOR A CAUSE", ON ULM'S CAMPUS SATURDAY MORNING!!


*Pay registration fee at the park prior to the start of your second pool play game.*

Thank you for choosing Grand Slam Sports Louisiana! We look forward to hosting your team and giving you the best experience possible!!

NO SHELLED PRODUCTS ALLOWED !! - Your team could face a fine or suspension if caught.

Please read information below to help answer any questions you may have regarding this event.

Schedule Request:

  • Please utilize the schedule request option when necessary for your team. 
  • These are prioritized by earliest submitted request. -- Please note that does not mean we do not take other issues into account. 
  • This is a tool for you to utilize when you will be short players to start games. 

The 11u division will be separated prior to pool play or divided into a Gold/Silver bracket on Sunday. This has not yet been decided but will be 2 weeks prior to event. 

Two pool games into single elimination brackets.

All 8u rules are on the corporate website- time limit being the only variation. 

Tournament Rules:

  • Be prepared to play 15 minutes prior to your scheduled game. 
  • Grand Slam will provide 2 game balls for each games. Help retrieve foul balls. Baseballs can be purchased by Cash or Venmo @grandslamla2 for $60. 
  • Gate fees are $10 for ages 12 & up. CASH ONLY!
  • All gate fees are non refundable. 
  • 9U-12U pitching is 8 innings for the weekend. 6 innings max per day. 
  • Time Limits- 8u: 60 MINUTES     9u-12u: 90 MINUTES
  • Umpire PAP- 8u: $35/game      9u-12u: $60/game
  • If there is a discrepancy in the time limit, ask the umpire to stop the clock and call for a director or UIC immediately. This MUST be resolved before teams leave the field!
  • Pay attention to your post game score cards and innings pitched for your pitchers before signing the game card. Make sure the score is correct! Once a card has been signed it is official. 
  • Catchers must wear a one piece helmet. 
  • Protest fees are $300 cash up front no exceptions. You get this back for a successful protest. Protest must be done between the 1st pitch & last pitch and it is encouraged to do as early as possible if you think you will be protesting. Protest must be done during the game. 
  • Run rules are 12 after 3 - 10 after 4 - 8 after 5
  • Extra innings - Last batted out from the previous inning on 2nd base with 0 outs. 
  • Head first slides are legal to any base unless a face mask, jaw flap, or chin strap is worn. 1st offense is a warning, next offense is an out. Returning back to a bag is not considered a head-first slide. 
  • Grand Slam plays by National Federation High School rules...with the exception of rules listed on the back of the score card or corporate Grand Slam website. State Directors have the discretion to modify corporate rules. 
  • Teams get 3 passes for coaches. There will be a team list at each gate...once that team's spots are full that will be all. Coaches will receive arm bands and they must be worn for the weekend. 
  • Pay your registration no later than start of 2nd pool play game. You can also Venmo @grandslamla2 2nd Pool Play game will NOT start until entry fee is paid. 
  • There is a director & UIC at every tournament site. If you have an issue, stop the game and call for a director. We can't help you after the game is over. 
  • Be respectful to the gate workers (They did not prices, schedule umpires, or make you play at 9:00am). 
  • Grand Slam reserves the right to take punitive action against any coach, player or fan who engages in unsportsmanlike conduct, unnecessary profanity, making threats, etc. Actions may include, but are not limited to: removal from the tournament site, suspension from Grand Slam tournaments or law enforcement involvement.

*9uA rules* -- 2024-2025

9uA has a 5 run max per inning. 

Runners may steal.


First Offense: Warning *see comment*
Second Offense: Balk is enforced

*Comment*: The umpire will make the “balk” call (which is a dead ball), state the reason why the call was made, then say that the next balk by that particular pitcher will be enforced.

IF runners on base and *first offense* is issued, runners will return to the base they occupied.