Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Jacksonville, AL

Jacksonville State University

Collegiate Summer Series - Jacksonville State University

Jun 20-23, 2024

This event is designed to allow an opportunity for JSU, Snead and other college coaches to view/evaluate high school players. 

There is a 3 game guarantee with a potential fourth championship game for the top two seeds in each division on Sunday.

Games will begin Thursday and will continue through Sunday. Games will have a 2 hour time limit or 7 innings.

Each team is required to supply 3 new baseballs at the beginning of each game and on an as needed basis during the game. If you need to purchase a dozen baseballs, you can Venmo @grandslambaseballAL for $70 to reserve them.

There is a team entry fee of $1100 (which includes a team gate fee). Payment deadline for entry fee is Friday July 12th.

If you have any questions, please contact Kennon McArthur (205) 369-9562 or JD Crowe at (205) 504-0861.