13-14 Schedule
The 13U-14U schedule will be released later this evening
Welcome to the Central MS March Madness!
Presented by Triple Play Sports & Grand Slam MS
Please make sure all coaches, parents, & fans read all info below closely;
It is very important that everyone reads the Grand Slam MS Rules...Click Here
Email - tpsportsms@gmail.com
Game Day text line is 601-732-5040 - This is a text line only on game day
Flowood Site Director - Doug Stephens - 769-322-1561
Pearl Site Director - Marty McMullen - 601-480-1822
Quarry Site Director - Greg McBride - 601-604-7682
Freedom Ridge Site Director - Kevin Cadiere - 601-955-9568
Jackson Prep Site Director - Matt Butts - 601-519-2114
$15 for a 2 day pass
$10 for a daily pass
$7 senior/military Saturday daily pass
$10 daily pass
$5 senior/military Sunday daily pass
It is very important that everyone reads the Grand Slam MS Rules...Click Here
If you have any on field issues, please make sure to contact a director before leaving the field or during the game. We can't help you once the game is over & teams have left the field.
Thank you for choosing to play Grand Slam
It is very important that everyone reads the Grand Slam MS Rules...Click Here