Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Mobile, AL

Medal of Honor Park

Marine Corp Birthday Brawl - SATURDAY Only - Sid Hobbs Benefit Tournament

Nov 10, 2018

Come celebrate the Marine Corps 243rd birthday with a quality Baseball tournament at Medal of Honor Park! GrandSlam invites you to come be a part of a different kind of tournament experience, that we believe Chesty Puller would be proud of! Ooh-rah!

Saturday only, 3-game guarantee, max 4 teams=no shortened games, we furnish quality baseballs, Rings for 1st & 2nd, $10 individual gate and 12 & under is always free at Medal of Honor Baseball!

10/25/18 UPDATE : We just received word of a local ball player in need of our assistance, 10-year old Sid Hobbs. We intend to make this tournament our biggest tournament of the fall and will be donating the net proceeds to this player and his family. Please keep Sid and his family in your prayers, and please sign up and play this tournament - we're gonna pull together and help them out.