Grand Slam Sports Tournaments
GA - Chamblee
Ninth Inning Royals-Torres
8 & Under AAA Kid Pitch
W-L-T 4-0-0
Win % 1.000
Avg Finish 1.00
Ranking Points 12
Avg Runs Scored 6.75
Avg Runs Allowed 1.75
Avg Runs Difference 5.00
Runs Scored 27
Runs Allowed 7
vs. Classes
8U-AA KP 1-0-0
8U-AAA KP 3-0-0
Place Date Event Division W-L-T
# Player Age Status
5 Fisher Bond 12 and 2 months Active
6 Victor Trujillo 12 and 4 months Active
7 Kelly Brereton 12 and 8 months Active
10 Holder Brinson 12 and 6 months Active
11 Graham Lumpkin 12 and 0 months Active
12 Harrison Miller 12 and 1 month Active
13 Rodrigo Sanchez 12 and 1 month Active
27 Shelton Balfour 12 and 0 months Active
47 John Foster Nichols 12 and 2 months Active
97 Avery Lussier 12 and 6 months Active
99 Michael Latour 11 and 9 months Active
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
1 12 4-0-0 11 6.75 1.75 5.00
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 10/24 10:00 AM George Pierce Park 1 6 Ninth Inning Royals-Torres 2 Archer Premier Baseball
Game #2 10/24 1:30 PM George Pierce Park 1 11 Ninth Inning Royals-Torres 5 Buford Elite
Game #3 10/25 7:10 PM South Gwinnett Park 2 2 Ninth Inning Royals-Torres 0 5 Star Longhorns
Game #4 10/25 5:35 PM South Gwinnett Park 2 8 Ninth Inning Royals-Torres 0 Archer Premier Baseball