Grand Slam Sports Tournaments
KY - Louisville
Louisville RBI Bulls 12U
12 & Under AA
W-L-T 5-4-0
Win % .556
Avg Finish 12.00
Ranking Points 0
Avg Runs Scored 7.89
Avg Runs Allowed 6.22
Avg Runs Difference 1.67
Runs Scored 71
Runs Allowed 56
vs. Classes
12U-AA 5-4-0
Place Date Event Division W-L-T
# Player Age Status
00 Cooper Burrice 16 and 6 months Active
0 Luke Selvaggi 16 and 2 months Active
2 Colin Blake 16 and 4 months Active
3 Jonathan Summers 16 and 5 months Active
9 Lucas Franklin 16 and 4 months Active
10 Will Burmester 16 and 7 months Active
11 Alex Thompson 16 and 6 months Active
12 Dylan Logsdon 16 and 0 months Active
13 Jack Burrice 14 and 4 months Active
15 John Stratman 14 and 6 months Active
19 Ryan Stratman 15 and 10 months Active
22 Brady Logsdon 13 and 10 months Active
41 Austin Dials 16 and 7 months Active
45 Eli Szydlowski 15 and 6 months Active
99 Henry Nash 16 and 8 months Active
Place Points W-L-T Max RS Avg RS Avg RA Avg RD
12 5-4-0 15 7.89 6.22 1.67
# Date/Time Field Team VS Team
Game #1 6/22 3:50 PM Frank Brown Park FBP 2 7 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 11 Canes Southwest - Paiz
Game #2 6/22 7:30 PM Frank Brown Park FBP 2 3 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 8 Storm Baseball
Game #3 6/26 3:00 PM The Publix Sports Park PCB7 1 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 9 Sudden Impact
Game #4 6/26 1:00 PM The Publix Sports Park PCB7 15 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 3 NorCal Nationals 12u-B-Seay
Game #5 6/26 8:00 AM The Publix Sports Park PCB7 5 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 3 Factory Aces
Game #6 6/24 8:00 AM Frank Brown Park FBP1 12 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 4 Pontotoc Thunder
Game #7 6/24 12:00 PM Frank Brown Park FBP1 8 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 0 New Albany Bulldogs 12U Maroon
Game #8 6/25 12:30 PM Frank Brown Park FBP1 9 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 6 Pirates
Game #9 6/23 8:00 AM Frank Brown Park FBP2 11 Louisville RBI Bulls 12U 12 Factory Aces