Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Grand Slam Tournaments Umpire Policy & Procedures


All umpires that officiate Grand Slam Corporate Tournaments will be required to register.

Registered umpires will receive insurance through Grand Slam Sports Tournaments. For specific details of the coverage provided, please check the policy. In addition, registered umpires will receive a NFHS Rule Book/Case Book and a Fitted Cap. For an additional $25.00, a Grand Slam Windshirt/Pullover will be issued.

Umpires not registered can officiate non-corporate tournaments in their respective area, but will not be considered for major tournaments to include any of the 3 or 4 day PCB Tournaments, College Showcases or the Grand Slam World Series.

Registration fee is not refundable.

Dress Code

All umpires are required to have proper attire to include but not limited to:

  • Black and Blue Umpire Caps
  • Umpire Shirts (Minimum of 4 colors)
  • Umpire Pants (Charcoal Gray)
  • Black Socks
  • Plate Shoes (Must be worn when working plate)
  • Field Shoes
  • Protective Mask
  • Jackets (Not required but if worn, must be an umpire pullover - No Parkas etc.)
  • Gloves (If worn must be black or blue)
  • Undergarments (If exposed, must be the dominant color of the shirt.)

No logos or patches will be worn on hats or shirts. Numbers can be worn.


Grand Slam plays by NFHS rules with a few exceptions. It is the responsibility of each individual umpire to familiarize themselves with the rules that are posted online.

Grand Slam Sports Tournaments, Inc. requires all employees and individual contract workers, including umpires to represent corporate in a positive manner. Umpire actions that may negatively affect corporate can be grounds for discipline or dismissal from working any future Grand Slam events.

Want to umpire with Grand Slam?

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