Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Panama City Beach, FL

The Publix Sports Park


Jun 29 - Jul 5

Weather Delay Update

All games are on schedule as of 3 pm.

Skills Competition Results

Grand Slam World Series Session III

Home Run DerbyGolden ArmAround the Horn

10U ChampionsRilyn LambertCaleb GloverBlount Impact Dirtdawgz
Kenny's CardinalsBlount Impact Dirtdawgz
11U ChampionsJaeden HillRidge MaskNo Winner
Dingernation - HillDingernation - Hill
12U ChampionsWilliam FanninAiden HuebnerBenbrook Lake Monsters
Venom BaseballIndiana Spikes
13U ChampionsJoey BuchananJoey BuchananNo Winner
Ohio Power BaseballOhio Power Baseball

Congratulations to all of the winners!
Please report to the merchandise tent to receive your award.


SESSION III (June 28-July 5, 2020)

Presented by Sharky's Beachfront Restaurant

Panama City Beach Sports Complex, Chip Seal Parkway, PCB, Florida

SCHEDULES HAVE BEEN POSTED AS OF 2:00 PM (CT) on Monday, June 22, 2020.  Please check these schedules often for any changes that may occur prior to your arrival this weekend.

1.  URGENT UPDATE.....A number of teams still don't have online rosters.  Your Roster freezes on Friday, June 26, 2020.  NO TEAM CAN PARTICIPATE in the World Series without an online roster.  Please get this taken care of ASAP! 

EVERY TEAM will need to RE-ENTER your roster due to the new liability waiver in place addressing Covid-19.  We apologize for this inconvenience but this of course could not be helped.  Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

2.  A number of teams have not sent in their Mandatory Economic Impact forms.  This form can be found under documents here  This form must be filled out completely before you will be allowed to take the field for your first game.

3.  Remember that the deadline for World Series Official Merchandise Pre-Orders is THIS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24.  You can find the pre-order form under the documents tab here  We will have a very limited number of WS T-Shirts this year available at the Opening Ceremonies and the Complex so make sure you pre-order to guarantee getting one!

4.  Schedule of events for the week:

        Sunday, June 28:  10:00 AM Coaches/Team Mom Meeting at Rockit Lanes, Richard Jackson Blvd., Panama City Beach, Florida.

        Sunday, June 28:  5:00-6:00 PM:  Opening Ceremonies/Pin Trading for ALL TEAMS at Rockit Lanes, Richard Jackson Blvd., Panama City Beach, Florida.  

        Monday, June 29:  Pool Play begins at 8:00 AM at the PCB Sports Complex, Chip Seal Parkway, Panama City Beach, Florida.  EVERY team plays a Pool Play DH on either Monday, June 29 or Tuesday, June 30.  The day you don't play is your designated day off.  Double elimination bracket plays starts on Wednesday, July 1, no team is eliminated prior to Thursday, July 2, Championship games are scheduled for Thursday, July 2 and Friday, July 3, depending on your age division.  

        Tuesday, June 30, 8:00 AM-2:00 PM:  Individual and Team Skills competitions at the PCB Sports Complex Field #5.  You will sign up for a designated time at the coaches meeting on Sunday, June 28.

5.  World Series Session III is an open event this year due to the number of teams that dropped out because of Covid-19 and the fact most teams were not able to play a full spring schedule of games to get classed appropriately.  Again, no separation of classes this year only.

6.  The State of Florida is now in Phase-2 of the Governor's Safe, Smart, Step-by-step reopening plan thus please refer to the Covid-19 guidelines posted on our website for details

7. Please familiarize yourself with both the Grand Slam Rules and the PCB Sports Complex Rules.  The Grand Slam rules are here and the PCB Sports Complex Rules are here

8.  All weather updates and schedule updates will be posted on the website.

9.  NO campers or overnight parking is allowed at either complex.

10. NO pets unless service animals allowed into the park.

11. NO motorized, electric or gas powered vehicles of any type allowed inside the park.

12. Grand Slam will provide two new Mizuno NFHS baseballs per game.

The Following are the COVID-19 guidelines that Grand Slam will have in place for World Series Session III, The State of Florida will be in Phase 2 by the time this event is placed thus Phase 2 guidelines will be followed below.

* Note that Grand Slam will NOT compromise the integrity of the game.  We will play real baseball

A)  No pre-game home plate meeting.  All Umpires will undergo a temp check every day prior to taking the field for a game.

B)  During Phase I in Florida, the Home plate umpire will be positioned near pitchers mound.  In Phase II, the home plate umpire will return to normal positioning behind the catcher.  The State of Florida is currently in Phase I, however, it is entirely possible that we could be in Phase II by the start of this event.

C)  During Phase I in Florida, NO spectators be will allowed in bleachers.  No spectators will be allowed in the area from the first base dugout to the 3rd base dugout directly behind home plate.  This area will be for extended dugout personnel only.  Groups of no more than 50-people are encouraged.

D)  Spectators are encouraged to bring your own chairs.  Each team is also free to bring in a team cooler.  Pop up tents are also allowed.

E)  No post game hand shakes or post game team meetings on the field after a game.

F)  No pre determined dugout rules.  We will leave this up to each team to determine how best to handle this as it pertains to them and what they feel is safe. In other words, we will Not dictate how many players or coaches are in dugout and how the players & coaches should be spaced.  We will let teams police themselves as they feel is best.

G)  Hand sanitizer will be available in dugouts.

H)  All scoreboards, dugouts and restrooms will be sanitized on a regular basis.

I)  During Phase I in Florida, only groups of 10 will be allowed and social distancing will be practiced.  In Phase II, groups of 50 will be allowed.

J)  NO team will be allowed to leave their dugout without first having all trash and debris removed.

K)  NO sunflower seeds, peanuts of any kind or any other kind of shelled snack in which spitting of the shell or discarding of the shell is involved.

L)  If a coach wants to protest an umpires call and/or rule, he or she must ask for time and motion umpire to dugout.  Umpire and coach will maintain 6-foot difference to adhere to social distancing.

** Grand Slam reserves the right to add and/or change any of these outlines prior to the start of the event depending on what phase of reopening the State of Florida is in at the time of the event.


**SKILLS COMPETITIONS WILL BE HELD FROM 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM ON Tuesday, June 30 on Field #5 at the PCB Sports Complex for ALL Age Divisions.  There will be THREE Competitions, ONE TEAM competition and TWO INDIVIDUAL competitions.   We will award champions in each age division.  Coaches must sign their players up ahead of time at the coaches meetings on Sunday in order to participate.   

** Dates and Times are subject to change based on weather and other factors.

THE TEAM COMPETITION will be the AROUND THE HORN competition (9-players)  

    Each team will have 9 position players.

    Each outfielder will have a base placed in a standard outfield spot which they will have to touch before they can throw.

    Each infielder will have to touch the base before they can throw.

    A wrong throw must be thrown back to that player and player must re throw to correct spot

    A 5 second penalty will be given for each missed base

    How the competition works

    Pitcher throws to catcher

    Catcher to second (shortstop covers)

    Shortstop to first

    First to third

    Third to second (second baseman covers)

    Second to right field

    Right field to center field

    Center field to left field

    Left field to home

Time will start when the catcher has the ball and steps on the plate. Time will end when catcher has the ball and steps on the plate.  Make sure you have players backing up each throw, your other players my retrieve a missed ball and give it back to the player that has to throw it. 

The player backing it up may not throw the ball to the next base only the player that is playing that base. The player backing up the play must be one of your nine player's 

being used in the competition


THE INDIVIDUAL COMPETITIONS will be the HOME RUN DERBY & GOLDEN ARM competitions!  Max of 6-players per team can participate in the individual competitions.

HOME RUN DERBY:  Must provide your own COACH pitcher and shaggers.  Each player gets 6-pitches or 3-swings, whichever comes first.  If a tie occurs, tie breaker is 5-pitches or 3-swings, whichever comes first.   200-foot fence.  Players in 12-U and up will have their balls over the fence measured to determine winners.  

GOLDEN ARM:  Player will stand 150-feet from home plate in CF and have 3-throws to try and hit a target at Home Plate.  Most targets hit wins.  Balls      can hit target on the fly or only bounce ONE time to be counted as a hit target.  In case of a tie, we will go to sudden death, one try for each player tied    until we have a winner.  Some age divisions may be moved closer to target.