Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Brandon, MS

Shiloh Park

SUPER SLAM #2 - 2nd Annual ( CANCELED )

Mar 27-29, 2020

2nd Annual Mizuno Southeast Showcase

featuring Mr. Big Tyme, Domingo Ayala

Presented by

Entry Fee......Coach Pitch = $200   9U-12U = $325   13U & 14U $375

9U-13U - Two Day Event...Local teams may need to play Friday night. 

7U & 8U - Two Day - Local teams may need to play Friday night. 

Gate Fee - $7 Daily ages 7 & Up

3 Day Weekend Pass available for $18 - NO 2 day passes

13U & 14U will play at Freedom Ridge Park in Ridgeland on their brand new turf fields! 

1st Place - Grand Slam Bling Ring & Mizuno products to be announced

2nd Place - Grand Slam Bling Ring

MVP Award - Mizuno Product to be announced

Video Game Truck on Site!!


****Domingo will only be available from 12:00 until 6:00 at Shiloh Park. He will not be at The Quarry or Freedom Ridge Park****