Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Brandon, MS


( CANCELEDntral MS - Elite 8 Invitational (UN/UE Teams Preferred) - Presented by The Tournament Team

Apr 17-19, 2020


Welcome to the 1st Annual Grand Slam Elite 8!

Looking to take 8 teams only in each division..will take more if room allows! 

Games will be at the beautiful turf fields at the Quarry in Brandon, MS

This event prefers UN/UE teams only! If you aren't UN/UE then enter at your own risk! 
Claim your status as the Elite of the Elite! 

What's different for this event??

Scoreboards running

Huge Award Package 

Custom Rings for 1st & 2nd Place, 1st place banner, 1st place arm sleeves, 1st place hats for coaches! 

MVP for each Division

Looking for teams from all over MS & Louisiana to come battle it out! 

email or message 601-917-3116