Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Dacula, GA

Rabbit Hill Park


Aug 1-2, 2020


All Sunday schedules are now posted.

275 teams were slated to participated in the 2020 Grand Slam Atlanta North Georgia State Championships.

Register early to guarantee your spot in this huge event complete with the world famous 5 ft tall bat trophy.

Also, the all new Grand Slam Championship rings will be awarded to our Georgia State Champions !!

Games will be played at parks located in Gwinnett County and Hall County (NO FRIDAY NIGHT GAMES !!).  

All 15U and 16U games will be played on HS game fields.  

All 8U Rookie division teams will play Coach Pitch

All 8U OPEN division teams will play Kid Pitch.

All Rec and American teams will be combined into American.

All National and Elite teams will be combined into National.

Any 9U, 11U, or 13U Major team will required to play up an age group.

Saturday pool play schedules will be posted by Wednesday July 29th at midnight. 

If this event is completely rained out, a $100 admin fee will be charged to all teams. 

Please click on the following link for special hotel deals we have negotiated for this event....

These special arrangements and discounted rates are only available via this website.  Grand Slam Tournaments has teamed up with HBC Event Services to offer discounted hotel accommodations for this event.