Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Calera, AL

Eagle Park

2020 Grand Slam Fast Pitch World Series

Jun 13-14, 2020



We are super excited to get things rolling again this weekend. Who would of thought our second tournament of the year would be our World Series. Couple of things we need to make sure happen ASAP. You will need to get your parents to re approve the girls if they have not already done so. We added a Covid-19 wavier earlier this week that must be approved by the parents before next Wednesday. Your coaches should have received an email on this earlier this week. Also, make sure you get all of your players added to your rosters as we do not want to have to make a tough decision on gameday. 

To the topic of Covid-19. We all know what the guidelines are so we ask you to please follow them. Please use the six foot social distance rules. We have to be smart and thinking of others in a time like this. Here are some things we are going to do to help keep everyone safe and comfortable while at the ball park.

Social Distancing Guidelines:

-We will be taking up a team gate fee instead of an individual gate fee. This eliminates the exchange of money throughout the day and less interaction as to keep everyone safer. 

-We are not going to allow tents to be set up INSIDE the park. Personal chairs and umbrellas for shade during the game are more than welcome but must be moved when your teams game is over so the next group will be able to move in safely.  We ask that once your teams game is over that your fans, coaches and players go to their area outside of the park so the teams who will be playing next can move in and keep a safe distance. There is plenty of room right outside of the park and outside the fences for tents to be setup so that you may keep shaded and relax while waiting. 

-We ask that each coach clean the dugout after each game as I am sure most of you already did this before this Pandemic began. Parents are welcome to be part of the clean up as well. 

-No Sunflower Seeds 


We will be monitoring the following of guidelines throughout the day just to make sure we are all staying safe and socially distanced. If you have an individual who would like to stay in dugout to have an extra set of eyes on the kids, then we will allow this but they must stay INSIDE the dugout at all times during the game. 


When you arrive at the park on Saturday, we will have a table set up over by the batting cages. This is where you can pay your team entry and team gate fee. We will also give you 4 softballs 2 new and 2 used for you to use each day. You will be in charge of the softballs for your pitchers during the game. It would not hurt to wipe down with bleach wipes after each half inning. The umpires will not have the softballs. This will help keep down the sharing of equipment. The plate meeting will take place but only 1 coach from each team will be allowed to be at the plate (Keep a distance of 6 feet). We will not shake hands after the games are completed. The umpire will need each coach to confirm the final score after each game.


Lastly Thank you guys for Playing Grand Slam Fast Pitch Tournaments!  


Reed and Tim