Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Calera, AL

Eagle Park


Jun 11, 2021


We are excited to present our First Ever Annual Grand Slam Coaches Cornhole Tournament. Two coaches will represent each team. For each team that registers, their names will be thrown into a hat and randomly drawn to dictate each first round matchup. There will be no charge to participate in this event. The rewards for each coach on the winning team are TBD but they will be good. We are designating the "Fastpitch Adult" division to be our cornhole division for the weekend. You can find this event titled "Grand Slam Coaches Cornhole Tournament". This tournament will take place on the night of opening ceremonies. You will need to enter your team into this division to participate in the cornhole tournament. We look forward to a competitive but all fun tournament. Tim and I have decided to sit this one out as to not win our own event ;) Contact us if you have any questions!


Grand Slam Cornhole Commission