Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Pearl, MS

Pearl Pirate Park


Jun 10-12, 2022

Gate Information

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Please make sure to check schedules for today, some game times have been altered.

Gate Fees

$25 - 3 day pass - available Friday only....

$10 daily gate fee and

$5 daily for senior citizens or military. Military is individual, not family.

Please keep in mind when purchasing a 3 day pass or daily pass that most divisions have bracket games on Saturday & your team could be eliminated.

If you purchase a 3 day pass and your team is eliminated Saturday, this pass is NOT refundable.

Pleae make sure to check schedules, Friday game times have been altered. 

Welcome to the 2022 Grand Slam MS State Tournament
Our group, The Tournament Team, is proud to host the

7A, 7AA, 8KP, 9A, 9AAA, 9Major, 10AAA, 11AAA, 13AA, 13AAA, 14AA, & 14AAA

Please pay close attention to the following. General Rules & location specific rules. 

Coaches, if we have to remove one of your fans from the complex, the head coach will also be ejected for that game.

Fans will not be allowed to return for that event who have been ejected. 

Any pattern of badgering of an umpire, other fans, coaches, players, directors, gate workers, etc...will result in being escorted from the park by Brandon, Flowood, Pearl or Ridgeland PD. Coaches, if you put your hands on an umpire, you will be prosecuted & vice versa for umpires to coaches. 
Tournament Directors have the discretion to have anyone removed from the park.

Gate fees are nonrefundable. 

Directors are on site...if you have issues or rule interpretations, stop the game and call for a director. We can't help you after the game ends. 

Game Day Text Line - 601-732-5040 -TEXT ONLY

Freedom Ridge Site Director - Dewey Owens - 334-455-9446

Flowood Site Director - Doug Stephens - 601-934-4251

Quarry Site Director - Greg McBride - 601-604-7682

Pearl Site Director - Marty McMullen - 601-480-1822

Gate Fees

$25 - 3 day pass - available Friday only

$10 daily gate fee

$5 daily for senior citizens or military. Military is individual, not family.  

Please keep in mind when purchasing a 3 day pass or daily pass that most divisions have bracket games on Saturday & your team could be eliminated. 

If you purchase a 3 day pass and your team is eliminated Saturday, this pass is NOT refundable. 

Team Check In

    Head coach or team representative must check in before the team is allowed to play. 

    We ask that you complete your team check in an hour and a half to two hours before your first game.

    At team check in you will need to

    Verify your roster

    Show proof of insurance

    Show proof of grade for any grade exception players. This must be a report card, progress report or official letter on school letterhead showing proof of grade for the 2021-2022 school year. (Only two grade exception players are allowed for ages 7-13 & only 3 for age 14U)

    Pick up coaches passes - These passes were NOT mailed. 

    Pick up pre ordered t-shirts

    Sign off on a tournament code of conduct

    Pick up other relevant tournament information. 

    What’s not allowed

      Sunflower Seeds - Sunflower Seeds are not allowed at any location. This is nothing new & this policy is expected to be followed diligently. Each city has an ordinance of no sunflower seeds & Grand Slam is expected to follow this. We are fined by the city if this isn’t followed & face the potential of losing hosting privileges. 

        Any team caught with sunflower seeds in the dugout or on the field could face a forfeit of that game. 

          Our staff checks dugouts before & after each game. 

            Any spectator caught with Sunflower seeds could be removed from the park. 

              DO NOT bring seeds into the park

                Steel Spikes are not allowed at any location

                  Dogs/Pets are not allowed at any location w/exception of service animals

                    Alcohol and tobacco use are not allowed at any location

                      Sound machines are allowed, but must be kept at a respectable volume

                        Scooters & hoverboards are limited to parking lots. Can not be used around the fields or concession stands. 

                        Pearl Youth Baseball Complex - 9A, 9AAA, 13AAA

                        Teams will need to check in at the big blue tent that will be located on the left side of the concession stand. Please see above for the information needed at check in. 

                        All vehicles must be parked in a parking spot

                        No parking on any walkway

                        Vehicles parked on walkways or in illegal spots could receive a ticket from Pearl PD or possibly be towed. 

                        Fields are numbered 1-8. When you enter the gate, fields will begin on your left with field 1 and go in sequence all the way around to field 8. When you enter the gate, field 8 is on your immediate right and field 1 is on your immediate left. 

                        Quarry - 7A, 7AA, 8KP, 9Major

                        Teams will need to check in at the big blue tent under the breezeway at the very middle concession stand. Please see above for the information needed at check in. 

                        Only 1 of the 2 drive-through gates will be open. This gate directly across from the amphitheater will be closed. 

                        Fields are numbered 1-6, if you are looking from the parking lot to the middle concession stand in the middle of the park, field 1 will be on your left and go in sequence to the right with field 6 being on the far right. 

                        Flowood - 10AAA, 11AAA, 13AA

                        Teams will need to check in at the big blue tent that is located in the grassy area between the two complexes. When you pull in the gate, drive forward and take a right in between the two 4 plexes. Please see above for information needed at check in. 

                        Fields are numbered 1-4 and 5-8. 

                        Fields 1-4 are the first set of fields on your left when you enter the gate. 

                        Fields 5-8 are at the very back of the complex.

                        Freedom Ridge - 14AA, 14AAA

                        Teams will need to check in at the directors table located on the backside of the concession stand. Please see above for information needed at check in. 

                        Fields are Blue, Red, Gray, & Maroon. You will see the field colors on the fence and the scoreboard. 

                        Jackson Prep - 13AAA

                        Teams will check in with the director as they enter the gate.




                        • All players participating must be on the roster and approved. 

                        • No player is allowed to participate with more than 1 team during an event. 

                        • Players can only be on 1 roster in the same age division. If a player is found to be listed on two rosters, he must be removed from 1 at the time a director is notified. This is NOT a forfeit! 

                        • If a team wants to protest, it must be done during the game. 

                        • Initiate a protest by calling a time and informing the umpire you want to protest. 

                        • Umpire will call for a director. 

                        • $300 cash is due upfront for a protest to move forward. If you win the protest, the money is returned. If you lose the protest, you lose the money. 

                        • The game will not stop until the $300 cash has been given to the director. 

                        Time Limits

                        • 7A & 7AA will be 1:00

                        • 8KP-10AAA Will be 1:20

                        • 11AAA-13AAA will be 1:30

                        • 14AA & 14AAA will be 1:40

                        • Do not let an umpire tell you no new inning within 5 minutes of the time limit. If you are told this, stop the game immediately or the plate conference and call for a director. 

                        General Rules

                        • 3rd to 1st pickoff is legal, high school rules

                        • Head-first slide is legal to any base except when a player is wearing a jaw guard, chin strap, or facemask. the 1st infraction is a warning and the 2nd infraction is an out. This only applies to bases being advanced to, not returning. This is for ages 7-12. 

                        • 13U must use a -5 or -3 bat

                        • 14U must use a -3 bat. 

                        • Scorecards must be signed with an umpire and a director after each game. NOT on the field. Report to your director after the game to have the card signed and verified. Please pay attention to the score & pitching. 

                        • 8U-12U pitchers get 8 innings for the weekend. No daily limit. 

                        • 13U & 14U pitchers get 10 innings for the weekend. No daily limit. 

                        • 9A will have a 6 run per inning limit in pool play only. 

                        • No intentional walks in 7A & 7AA. 

                        • 7A & 7AA are double elimination. Double elimination with no “if” game. The championship game is winner take all. Meaning, even if the undefeated team loses, the tournament is over. There will be NO if game. 

                        8KP Rules

                        • 46 foot mound

                        • 60 foot bases

                        • 6 innings or 1:20 time limit, whichever comes first. 

                        • 6 runs per inning limit in pool play & bracket play

                        • No leading off

                        • No stealing

                        • No balks

                        • No infield fly rule

                        • Batter can't advance to first on a dropped 3rd strike.

                        • Can advance on pass balls, including 3rd to home. 

                        • Pass ball will be deemed any ball not caught cleanly by the catcher. 

                        • Bunting is allowed

                        • Double elimination with no “if” game. The championship game is winner take all. Meaning, even if the undefeated team loses, the tournament is over. There will be NO if game.