Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Brandon, MS

Shiloh Park

Saturday Slam - Dusty Diamond Classic (Saturday Only) - Presented by Triple Play Sports

Mar 29

Event Canceled

Please see your email or the event info for further information. This event has been canceled.

11:00 a.m. Friday

Good morning, unfortunately we are making the decision to cancel this event. We tried to wait out the forecast but it just isn't changing. The last thing we want to do is bring people through the gate and then have to cancel half way through the day &  we definitely do not want to put the players in jeopardy due to poor field conditions. 

We have had multiple discussions with local meteorologist, the weather service & noticed that Ole Miss moved their Saturday game to today & they have a tarp! Each person we talked to said that it's a risk of a washout all day. 

Yes, it's Friday, but everyone knows we wanted to give this weekend every opportunity we could! 

Thank you for your understanding & we will see you next weekend! 

11:00 a.m. Thursday

This forecast is very confusing and all over the place. Therefore, we are just going to move forward as scheduled and if come Friday around lunch the forecast dictates otherwise we will make adjustments from there. We will not play Friday night & we will not be doing a Sunday only.

Plan on delays & a very long day. We will play until we can't if we can get started


The schedule will be out later this afternoon, however, the weather is being monitored and a decision on any changes will be made Thursday at 12 noon.

Possibilities include

  • later start time
  • Sunday only
  • canceled. 

Thank you for your patience. 


Rules of note...

  • Only top 4 will play in championship bracket
  • Divisions with more than 4 teams will have a consolation game or bracket. Make your pool play games count. 
  • Divisions will be deleted that do not have 3 or more teams registered if field space becomes limited. 
  • Teams will be responsible for providing baseballs for pool play
  • Time limit for ages 9-12 will be 1:10
  • 6 inning limit for pitching
  • No schedule request, all teams will need to be ready to play their first game by lunch on Saturday
  • 1st & 2nd place will receive custom rings
  • Teams who play in 3 Saturday Slam events will qualify for 30% discount in the Saturday Slam Championship June 14th. 
  • Teams who win a Saturday Slam event will qualify for 50% discount in the Saturday Slam Championship June 14th.