Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Clinton, MS

Clinton Traceway Parks

Central MS - Metro Madness - Presented by The Tournament Team ( Rained Out

Mar 2, 2019

This event is canceled

Due to wet field conditions this event has been canceled. Magee is to wet & Vicksburg isn't available.

Metro Madness

Presented by 

Start your March off right by playing in Metro Madness....let basketball have March Madness & let's have some madness on the diamond! 

Entry Fee 

Coach Pitch - $150 - One Day Event...Only 2 day if number of teams dictate it. 

9U - 12U - $300 - 2 Day Event - Friday for local teams by request. 

13U - $3502 Day Event - Friday for local teams by request.

14U - $3752 Day Event - Friday for local teams by request.

Gate Fee - $5 Daily ages 7 & Up

$12 3 Day Pass Available

Coaches Pass Required for Coaches - 4 Coach Limit - Email to submit your 4 coach's names.

MVP Award - Grand Slam MVP Bling Ring

New this year...hit a Grand Slam & get a special Grand Slam Gift! 

Make sure you are signed up for our 2 big events at the end of March

Magnolia State Classic March 22-24

Mizuno Southeast Showcase w/Doming Ayala on March 29-31