Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Snellville, GA

South Gwinnett Park


Apr 20, 2019

Field Status Update

Saturday 1:30 pm, all games at Baycreek cancelled for the day. 9u will not move to south Gwinnett park, it just went under too.

All games at Rabbit Hill have been cancelled for the day.

Dacula fields 6 and 7 cancelled. Dacula fields 2 and 5 under a delay til 1 pm.

Dacula Park field 1 is being moved to Alberta Banks field 2.

South Gwinnett Park fields 3 and 5 cancelled. South Gwinnett field 1 delayed as of 12:30 until 1:40.

Come join Grand Slam Atlanta for Easter weekend in Snellville 

This will be a Saturday only event.  Each team will get two full regulation games.

14U will be played at Loganville Christian Academy, Shiloh HS and Discovery HS on their high school game field.

The top two seeds for each age group will play in the Championship Game for the new Grand Slam Champion rings !!

$225 entry fee is required when you register your team. In the event of a rain out, a $75 admin fee will be deducted from your team refund.

Text Tim Gaines at 770-231-0176 for more info. Colton Harrelson is also available at 404-694-5212