Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Magee, MS

Magee Sports Complex

Central MS - 5th Annual Snowball Classic (One Day-$50 Entry Fee) - Presented by The Tournament Team

Feb 15, 2020

Important Reminders!

$10 Gate Fee ages 13 & up (Compared to $14 for 2 day event)

$7 Gate Fee ages 7-12 (Compared to $10 for 2 day event)

$50 Entry Fee - Must be paid before 2nd pool game. Make Checks payable to The Tournament Team

1:00 Game time for 8U & 1:20 for 10-12

Teams provide 2 game conditioned baseballs for pool play

A pattern of inappropriate & aggressive tones toward tournament staff, umpires, coaches, or other fans will result in being escorted from the park by the Magee Police Department.

Placing your hands on an umpire will result in procecution

Central MS - 5th Annual Snowball Classic

Presented by 

Don't take the chance on being rained out. Get that early warm up tournament in by playing at the beautiful turf fields in Magee! 

****Entry Fee - Only $50****


Gate Fee - $10 Daily ages 7 & Up 

1st Place - Custom Snowball Classic Ring

2nd Place - Custom Snowball Classic Ring

MVP Award - D Bat Pearl Hit Card

email for questions or information

Event History 

2017 - 7 teams

11UN Champions - Deep South Banditos Royal

2018 - 56 teams

7U Champs - MS 96'ers

9UA Champs - MS Orioles

9UN Champs - MS Rangers

10U Open Champs - PYB Elite

11UA Champs - 59 Baseball

11UN Champs - NWR Assault

12U Open Champs - MS Exposure

13U A Champs - Dirt Dawgs


    2019 - 61 teams

    8U Champs - Cardinals American

    9UA Champs - MS Yankees Stringer

    9UN Champs - Diamond Elite Black

    10UR Champs - Pine Belt Elite

    10U Open Champs - MS Yankees McWilliams

    11UR Champs - MS Yankees Driver

    11UN Champs - 11U Southern Prospects

    12UR Champs - Mizuno Golden Spikes - Gill

    13U Champs - Icon Elite