Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Brookhaven, MS


Baseball Expo Brookhaven

Aug 20, 2022

Rain Delay

Update at 3:10.

Annddd just like that it rained more in Brookhaven. Unfortunately the fields will not be playable & the event has been postponed.

Several coaches did not pick up their team arm bands for the Expo that is going on. They encourage you guys to get your armbands & enjoy the expo that is going on.

Thank you.

Select Division

Game Field Team vs Team
Game 1 Sat 9:00 AM LCC 5 3 Pearl River Mudcats 11 ESA 13u- Jones
Game 2 Sat 10:50 AM LCC 5 7 Pearl River Mudcats 3 Mississippi Dodgers
Game 3 Sat 12:40 PM LCC 5 Oak grove motivators ESA 13u- Jones
Game 4 Sat 2:30 PM LCC 5 Oak grove motivators Mississippi Dodgers

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