Grand Slam Sports Tournaments

Brandon, MS


Central MS - 6th Annual Coaches Challenge - Presented by Triple Play Sports

Feb 24-26, 2023


All games that were on field 6 at Shiloh are now on field 8

Jackson Prep will have snacks and drinks but not hot food. Limited concessions. Bring in what you please.

No sunflower seeds.

Gate fees at all locations are $15/2 day pass. $10 daily, $5 military/senior citizen discount.

Select Division

Game Field Team vs Team
Game 1 Sat 10:00 AM Q 2 4 Mississippi Blues 3 Knights Knation 11U - Akins
Game 2 Sat 11:40 AM Q 2 11 Mississippi Blues 0 Knights Knation - 11U Grant
Game 3 Sat 1:20 PM Q 2 3 Lincoln Express 11U 6 Knights Knation 11U - Akins
Game 4 Sat 3:00 PM Q 2 2 SBG Sox 11u - Melton 8 Knights Knation - 11U Grant
Game 5 Sat 3:00 PM Q 1 1 11u Knights Yancey Victus 10 Madison Havoc
Game 6 Sat 4:40 PM Q 2 3 Lincoln Express 11U 0 Knights Knation 10U Dean
Game 7 Sat 4:40 PM Q 1 6 11u Knights Yancey Victus 13 SBG Sox 10U Johnson
Game 8 Sat 6:20 PM Q 2 1 SBG Sox 11u - Melton 5 Knights Knation 10U Dean
Game 9 Sat 6:20 PM Q 1 2 Madison Havoc 5 SBG Sox 10U Johnson

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